

Physiotherapy in Ottawa is one of the most popular alternative wellness therapies with no side effects. It can treat any kind of injury or disorders with a combination of exercise, therapies and diet plans which help restore function and movement. Physiotherapy also prevents further damage or injury to the previously affected body part. People of any age can receive Physiotherapy treatment and be thoroughly supported to maintain and manage good health.

At the Expert Care Physio, we are a team of highly qualified physiotherapists who can cure a variety of conditions including joint pains, cardiovascular problems and neurological conditions. Physiotherapy is not just an effective form of treatment for injury and pain management.

Why Expert Care Physio?

Benefits of physiotherapy

We’re invested in your recovery. At Expert Care Physio, we take a unique approach to rehabilitation services, drawing a roadmap to help you achieve an active lifestyle with our wide range of restorative techniques post-injury.

Call (613) 454-7778 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.


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